I thought of this as a reminder that The Great I AM has fashioned me and YOU according to Him and that He wants to be known in and through us. I am the Daughter of a King! YOU ARE TOO! I know I am not perfect but I am chosen and loved, and YOU are too. Have you ever thought that because HE is the source of love, that He can love me so much and still have the abundance of Love to love YOU with the same love always pouring out- never running dry. His love is infinite and he offers that love to us to love others with. He invites us, with the gifts He's given us that are uniquely our own to bless His name and to be love to others. I know I fall rediculously short of this task but he continues to invite me to do this and in the process I am overwhelmed by His grace. I'm humbled that He could love me so much. He simply asks "Will you walk with me? Will you let me love you and fill you with my love? Will you be my hands and feet to love others with? Will you follow after me? Will you allow yourself to be known and completely loved by ME?
He invites us to His love, to know Him and to be loved by Him.