Friday, January 19, 2018

The Challenge of Stillness after Returning

We came back from our adventure just a week before Christmas. We were sick and so very tired thanks to jet lag, but my parents had come to prepare our house for us so we had sweet fellowship. Since being back, we have processed and thought through our time overseas and looking back we see how God had really blessed us and our time. The Lord had planted a seed for a specific people group and kindled the flame propelling us to go back year after year. He allowed us to be apart of a work there and we are so thankful. We are so very thankful as well for those who prayed and encouraged us when things got hard. God was faithful.



Coming home was good. We learned to take things a little slower in Kenya and in coming home, have had to make sure that we work at being still and waiting. We don't know our next steps, and there is a challenge in that. I hoped that after coming home, we would have a directions, but for now we are waiting and asking Jesus to show us what he has for us. 

These photos are so rich in the colorful experiences we had there that changed us. The boys as you can see, grew in character and in stature. We are still discovering the marks this trip has left on our hearts.