Do you ever fear that someone will discover who you really are? Do you ever hear a whisper try and shame you, calling you sinner and broken? Do you ever feel like there's going to a gotcha moment where all your un-seens will come spilling out- all the unchecked thoughts playing on matinee for the world to see and judge?
Yep. For some reason (probably because I do wonder what people think of me and I want them to like me) I face this often. I find myself face to face with my own sin and even though I go to the Lord and ask forgiveness, I hear the shaming accuser whispering my failures. At times I feel at battle not only with my flesh and it's desire to do it's own thing but accepting the love and help from Christ. So many times I feel stuck and alone in this place, not knowing what to do- where to go- who I can share with. I'm embarrassed and the enemy knows that this has been my weakness. I try to fight alone. Then the whispers "just wait til someone sees you for who you really are...."
Okay, then what??? The enemy is called a prowling lion seeking whom he may devour with words, accusations, and even questions that don't even finish. But he doesn't need to finish, he can just start me down the road of doubt and I am led easily by my own insecurities and feelings. And he has successfully gotten my focus on myself and off Jesus and others.
GOD says that "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."(1 John 1:9) And James 5:16 says " confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."
This is exactly the opposite of my fears. When I trust God with my heart and share my burden with my sister, friend, and/or husband the hold on that fear is broken. We are not all alone which is also why the Lord encourages by saying that "though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken."(Eccl. 4:12) But it takes stepping out and being vulnerable. Taking a step and trusting that "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help."(Eccl. 4:9)
Jesus knows my weakness. He knows I struggle in solitude and that I need fellowship and relationships. He knows that when my focus is on myself, I am deaf and blind to what he wants to show me. So he encourages me to step out and share. To let someone see the real me and trust HIM with the results. Yes my heart has been hurt but it's also been healed.
I know there is an encouragement in sharing with one another. Not everyone is safe to share with, but I believe the Lord will gives us someone who we can share with whether that's a mentor, friend, sister, or husband and maybe there are a few in our lives. But we also need to be that for others. To be transparent. The more I share my fears and confess my sins, the easier it gets, and we draw closer to the Lord as well as those relationships we share in. We are made to be in relationship with each other- to invest in each others lives. The best investment we can make is to be authentic and share Jesus by loving one another and extending grace and encouragement.
Do you have someone you can confide in and show the real you to? Are you extending yourself to someone else so they have a safe place to share?
Jesus, please meet us where we are. Meet us here where we feel weak and alone. Be a light in our darkness and show us your way. You know us completely Lord, and there is nothing hidden from you. Help us to step out and trust you when you say you forgive us, and to be bold enough to stand strong against the enemy. Please, break the hold of the enemy by bringing us into fellowship with you. Help us to know where our strength is and that You who are in us, are greater than he who is in the world. Amen.