Sunday, January 18, 2015

Searching for a Super Hero?

What makes us so drawn to super hero's? I mean we all know that a man can't really leap from tall buildings in a single bound the same way Superman did or that we will ever look up and declare "it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman!." Yet, we are drawn into the idea that there is a savior of some kind and we hope that we will catch a glimpse of him believing that our lives would be forever changed.

The funny thing about all loved super hero's though, is that they have a weakness whether it's kryptonite or Delilah(I consider Samson a super hero), but regardless of that, wait no- because of that, we think more of them and not less. They remind us of what we would like to become in spite of ourselves as they rise against all odds of human nature. I think it helps us to think that we can too.

If I could come up with a super hero and describe him(because in my mind My super hero is a dude), I have a list of what I think he would be like. He would be kind, patient, just and looking out for those who are weak and need help. He would seek to help the poor and correct those who take advantage of the them. He would be a leader who brings out the best in those around him. He is one who doesn't seek fame, fortune, or popularity. My hero would have compassion in the midst of justice and wouldn't set out with revenge as his compass. And lastly, I want to trust and believe that if I were ever in peril of any kind my hero would move heaven and earth to rescue me.

As I write this list and compile the traits that mean the most to me, I see the dots connect. Do you? I realize that as I have been thinking about this whole super hero thing, I already have one. No I am not crazy and it's not Superman or the Arrow. (Gotta love a good super hero flick though).

My super hero goes by the name Jesus. And before you roll your eyes, let me tell you why. All the qualities I just listed(and more), he has.

First of all, he sacrificed his fellowship with his father by coming down to earth, born humbly he grew without fame or fortune(John 17:4&5, Luke 2:11-20). When it was his time to step out and lead, he led by example having compassion on the sick, needy and lost(Luke 4:38-41). He never turned away anyone who needed to be found and he loved wholly and heartily(Luke  4:42-44). He encouraged children to come and he lifted the broken in spirit. Also he was just and rebuked those that took advantage of the poor(Matthew 21:12), but also gave them a chance to change. Jesus served, he loved, he saved, and he gave everything. He faced great opposition for doing good(Mark 3:1-6), for doing the will of his heavenly father(Luke 5:17-26). When it was time to fulfill the promise of life, he humbly went to the cross bearing it with more courage than I can even imagine(Hebrews 12:2), continuing to be an example of standing for what is right. That day he gave his life in exchange for mine. He paid the ransom I could not pay, paying my debt of sin. By doing so, he gave me life so I wonder, how can I not live my life for him now?

And it's not done. The cross wasn't the end because just when you think a super hero has been lost or killed never to be seen or heard again, they come back. AND HE DID! Really! The bible says it so I believe it(Luke 24:1-4). It's my only hope, because I know there simply has to be more beyond this life, and deep inside I want to be more. I want to be more brave, humble, caring, patient, good, pure, and wise but guess what? I am no where close to being any good at any of those things because I know me, and I know I am selfish and weak and I cannot save myself. I need a super hero.

The thing is, Jesus is everything I want to be and he made a promise. He promised that 1. He would come back after his death(and he did), and 2. that he would send a helper to be with me and help me to become more like him(John 14:15-18,25-26). He promised that by belief, faith in Him,  I can be the things he was on this earth(John 15:5).

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." -Ephesians 2:8&9

If I could believe in and be like any super hero of all time, I would choose Jesus. Many people may not consider him a super hero, but I think he's the very best kind of super hero. He's actually real! He wasn't flashy and he certainly didn't wear a cape, but he was simply himself doing what he came to do. To live, give and love those he came to know and would know. Even though it looked like he lost a great deal when he left this earth, he gained so much more than we can imagine.

"He is seated at the right hand of the Father where he has received the crown of glory and righteousness." -Ephesians 1:19-21

What's more is that he saves me everyday. He continues to intercede when my own sin and  weakness cause me to be overcome and I fail at the things I most want to do and be. Jesus continues to work on my behalf so that I can say that even though I am weak, I am strong. He rescued me, saved me, and strengthens me. He is the very best kind of Superhero.

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