Friday, January 19, 2018

The Challenge of Stillness after Returning

We came back from our adventure just a week before Christmas. We were sick and so very tired thanks to jet lag, but my parents had come to prepare our house for us so we had sweet fellowship. Since being back, we have processed and thought through our time overseas and looking back we see how God had really blessed us and our time. The Lord had planted a seed for a specific people group and kindled the flame propelling us to go back year after year. He allowed us to be apart of a work there and we are so thankful. We are so very thankful as well for those who prayed and encouraged us when things got hard. God was faithful.



Coming home was good. We learned to take things a little slower in Kenya and in coming home, have had to make sure that we work at being still and waiting. We don't know our next steps, and there is a challenge in that. I hoped that after coming home, we would have a directions, but for now we are waiting and asking Jesus to show us what he has for us. 

These photos are so rich in the colorful experiences we had there that changed us. The boys as you can see, grew in character and in stature. We are still discovering the marks this trip has left on our hearts.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Kenyan Life

We made it and have finally gotten past the jet lag and have settled into a better sleep routine. We've been busy here for the past 4 days and we thought we would share some of the photos of our time. It has been a lot of hands on learning and we are thankful for the times of rest- like today. It has been good to reconnect with old friends here and to be in the process of making new ones. Here's a few of our moments in color!!!

This Kenyan life is pretty great. The boys are having a wonderful time and we are feeling very blessed. The boys are making friends and most of the time have no clue what is being said but they are catching bits and peices of conversation with other kids. Strangely and wonderfully, this is not a hurdle, it's been an encouragement to them to keep getting to know these kids and to try.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Stepping Out

Stepping Out-

We have an opportunity to go into another part of the world and simply be. We are not going to save, or build or provide a service. We are going to connect, to lean in and love. This fall we are preparing our family to travel half way across the world to visit and share with group of people who struggle to find themselves worthy of love. They are the poor in spirit because they do not see themselves worthy of God and certainly not Jesus. They are a forsaken people who have cut the rope between themselves and their creator. They are destitute.  They are needy. They are hungry. We are going willing. Willing to say here I am Lord- use me, shape me and change me in the process.

We will go with only our stories of WHO Jesus is and what He has done in our lives. We go prepared with our testimonies and wait for God to give us opportunities to share who he is with those who desperately need him. In this process we learn some language to connect and to say, "I care" and "I'm trying." To say, You are worth the effort. For them to recognize that God Himself loves them and has sent them someone to say the words.

This trip is what some would call a vision trip. Going and asking the Lord to make it clear whether he wants to use our family full time in Africa. We have the desire to connect with those he has called us to take His truth to. You may say that that sounds super spiritual, but in reality it's just being willing to love and accept others and be present with them where they are at. And in the midst knowing God will show up- He will give you opportunities to share who he is and what He has done. We are looking at this as an invitation for an adventure with the Lord. We know it will be hard. We know there will be challenges, and know we will hurt one another in the process-and then forgive. In this we have an opportunity to grow.

Jeff has been three times and I (Mandy) have been twice, but for the boys it will be their first time. We will have an opportunity to take them to meet and share with the same people group we have come to love. This will give us a chance to see how the Lord wants to use us as a family in Africa. For this, I am excited. I believe the Lord will use this time to grow us all.

It's a privilege to go. To be the hands and feet. To face the challenge to walk with the Lord because there will be moments where we ask "why did I come" or "Why did the Lord send me?" -even in moments like these there is opportunity. It's an opportunity to remember how God has led us and is leading us. That he is with us even in the uncertainty and shock of change. We are stepping forward into this.

Will you pray for us? Will you follow our family through this adventure and be apart of it with us. We need others to walk with us through all of this, to be our support and care for the process we are walking into. If you would like to be involved in this adventure- follow this blog and drop me a note. We would love to involve you with info and prayer requests as we step out.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

What's Next?

Yes, it's true!! Follow our blog as we fill you in on the grand Adventure. We are so excited and can't wait to share what is to come!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Who you are!

I thought of this as a reminder that The Great I AM has fashioned me and YOU according to Him and that He wants to be known in and through us. I am the Daughter of a King! YOU ARE TOO!  I know I am not perfect but I am chosen and loved, and YOU are too. Have you ever thought that because HE is the source of love, that He can love me so much and still have the abundance of Love to love YOU with the same love always pouring out- never running dry. His love is infinite and he offers that love to us to love others with. He invites us, with the gifts He's given us that are uniquely our own to bless His name and to be love to others. I know I fall rediculously short of this task but he continues to invite me to do this and in the process I am overwhelmed by His grace. I'm humbled that He could love me so much. He simply asks "Will you walk with me? Will you let me love you and fill you with my love? Will you be my hands and feet to love others with? Will you follow after me? Will you allow yourself to be known and completely loved by ME?

He invites us to His love, to know Him and to be loved by Him.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Passport Not Required

Having a global impact does not always mean having a passport. Sometimes it does, but other times it's being willing to invest in a much bigger plan. Do you wonder how you can have an impact on the globe?

First, we are all called by the great commission when we give our lives to follow Jesus Christ. We are ambassadors, missionaries in our everyday lives. It is not just a select  "few," but it's a call on all our lives. Our job as followers of Christ is to live a life like him to the best of our abilities(with the help of the Holy Spirit). If he has called you to be a teacher, police officer, cashier, stay at home mom, or doctor- do it for the Glory of His name. We also need to recognize that if you have a family and raising young kids, this is one of the biggest and important seasons of your life. Parent your children and be joined with your spouse for the glory of God. When we do this well, we are fulfilling his call on our lives and it pleases him. When we please him, it is a testimony to those around us. What we know to be true is that the biggest testimony we have is not our spoken words but the way we live our lives. 

When the Lord gives the seed of longing to love the world beyond your walls, it's because He loves the world and He is inviting and sharing that vision with us. This invitation is not always to pack your bags and head off to another country, but to say "yes Lord" and lean in to the work he is asking you to do. It doesn't always require a passport, in fact He may be asking you to walk right next door. Fulfill that call. Be brave to step out and say yes. Ask that neighbor over for coffee and hear here heart. Get involved with a local charity that seeks to take care of more than the physical need- to love people. Personally, I see it as a privilege to be to be able to "go" to other parts of the world to meet, build relationships, and share the good news of Christ, but I also know that right now my husband and my first responsibility is to raise our children here where he has called us. Someday He may say "go" and then we can step out as a family and embrace that opportunity. "May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. "May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. -Heb 13:21

So what can I do now? There are so many ways to serve the Lord globally here and now. We can do it individually or/and as a family. Here are some of the ways I know to connect and serve:

1. Dwell where you are, and serve the Lord by serving your family and your church body. If you don't have a church body, pray and ask the Lord to direct your steps to one. We all need this for growth and accountability. When we serve we exercise the love of Christ.

2. Pray. Pray for those around you, nations, cities, organizations(local and overseas) on the front lines, people groups, and missionaries you may know of or know personally.

3. Invest. Financially give to the Lord what is His. It is ALL His. Ask Him where He would like you to invest. When we invest, we become more connected to it. Invest wisely, but do it faithfully. "For the Lord loves a person who gives cheerfully." -2 Corinthians 9:7-9

4.Reach out. Reach out into the lives of missionaries. This is so important to me because I have seen just how much it is needed. Over the last 4 years I have gotten to know and love several families that are living throughout the world on the front lines. They come back for a few months every few years and even though they are returning to the states, this is not their home. They are invested in another culture, another people. They come back for connection and time with family and also to touch base with the people that are sponsoring them. It can be so lonely returning here when everyone seems to be so busy and you don't seem to fit anywhere. WE need to step up and step out. Ask that family over for dinner or a coffee date. Practice hospitality. My life has been forever changed by these special friendships and even though they return to the countries where they are serving, I can still email them and I am encouraged by their friendship. When we assume they don't need us, they are too spiritual, or they are too busy for an offer of friendship and when we do this, we will lose an opportunity for a richer life by knowing them and investing in them. We all need to be connected and loved. Love builds us all up.

The biggest question is- Will you say Yes? Will you ask the Lord what He has for you and how you can serve Him by serving others? Ask Him to give you a global perspective, whether it's local or overseas, to share His plan for you.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Heart of Discipline

Discipline- training that develops self control, character, and orderliness.

"So discipline has a point, it is to train children. To mold and guide from wrong, hurtful patterns so they can learn to make good choices for themselves." 
-Debbi Bryson 
( Wisdom for Women Devo, April 23rd.)

We have a challenge precious mommas. We need to be strong and courageous when it comes to guiding our children. We need to stay in the game and pay attention to the patterns and habits our little ones are picking up and practicing. Something may be cute  coming from a toddler, but how cute will it be coming from a teenager or adult? We have a work to do now as we guide and train our children in the way they should go. Discipline does not come in a one size fits all package. We need to be consistent and we need to KNOW our children and know what the Lord wants them to learn. The only way we can KNOW that is by knowing it for ourselves. This is training for both parent and child. BE ENCOURAGED! The Lord is using this in your life to build your character.

Dear Lord, give us mommas your perspective. Help us see beyond the everyday struggles, that there is something we are working towards. That you have a plan and a purpose and even though it's hard to train up these children and be consistent, there is a future being shaped. Please give us your wisdom, patience, and love today. Amen.