Sunday, August 31, 2014

Finding Grace for Each Other

So, I have a neighbor who is new to the area and we started a friendship. She would come over with her two little guys a few mornings, and we would chat over coffee. During the morning I would realize I was going around picking up our family mess. During one of her visits she shared “please don’t pick up because I’m here, then I will feel like I have to clean up before you come over to my house.” This comment stopped me because she was right. I was feeling insecure about the appearance of my house and the disorder of it. I wanted it to be more “together” and in “order”. The truth is, is I have 3 boys from 8 to 2 ½ and my house is seldom “put together” no matter how hard I work at it because we live here. I realized I needed her grace and she was giving it freely with out judgment.

How often the Lord asks me to share something about my spiritual life from where He’s brought me and it’s hard sometimes to share because I want to be “in order” or “sufficient”, but the reality is I’m not. I am a work in progress and I am often being cleaned out and sorted out over and over again. But He asks me to be transparent and be willing to receive His grace and the grace from others as I let them view my “work in progress” because it’s in the sharing that those I share with will see the Lord at work and the work He is doing. Then it becomes a lot less about me and a lot more about Him.